
Pruning plum trees download free
Pruning plum trees download free

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pruning plum trees download free pruning plum trees download free

The method is similar to how to prune a cherry tree and many other fruit trees. These smaller branches can then be pruned at an angle, immediately above a healthy bud,’ Mark adds. When you prune in the second year, make sure there are at least three branches below the cut of the central leader branch. ‘When trimming trees in their first year, always make sure that you cut the central leader branch to just above a bud, ensuring that there are at least three buds remaining on the branch.

pruning plum trees download free

‘When pruning trees of three years and younger, it’s best to go with a vase format, with a short trunk and three to four major branches extending from it at a 45-degree angle to allow plenty of light and air into the tree,’ explains Mark Hewett, expert at garden tools brand WOLF-Garten (opens in new tab). Knowing how to prune plum trees, especially when they are young, will help to establish strong and healthy growth, which will result in plentiful crops of juicy plums to enjoy. (Image credit: Alamy/Nigel Cattlin) What is the best way to prune a plum tree?

Pruning plum trees download free